Constitution of SIGSLAV:
Contents: Appendix: language list |
1. Statement of Purpose
The languages of the Slavic group play an ever-growing role in NLP, due to their rich cultural heritage, widespread use, and the rapidly expanding consumer markets for NLP solutions for these languages. There are a number of concrete raisons d'être for the Special Interest Group on Slavic Natural Language Processing, including:
Over 415 million speakers
of Slavic
languages around the world;
The geographic area covered by these speakers is very
large (including more than half of Europe);
From the scientific perspective, the Slavic languages
form a unique working ground. They are marked by a striking
structural similarity, as well as an easily recognizable shared core
vocabulary and inflectional inventory, which span the entire group of
languages. These features—despite a lack of mutual
intelligibility—create a very special environment, in which
researchers can naturally and readily appreciate shared problems and
The SIG, as a formal organization, will support the
coordination of efforts related to NLP for the Slavic languages.
The purpose of the SIG—the Association for Computational Linguistics Special Interest Group on Slavic Natural Language Processing—is to:
- Promote interest in basic and applied research on Natural Language Processing (NLP) in all Slavic languages, including in areas such as: morphological analysis and generation, syntactic and semantic tagging, named-entity recognition, information extraction, co-reference resolution, question-answering, information retrieval, text summarization, machine translation, sentiment analysis;
- Promote and support of creation of common standards and representations related to NLP in the Slavic languages and inclusion of such standards into relevant infrastructures;
- Provide ACL members who share the interest in Slavic NLP with a platform for exchanging information on current research developments in this area;
- Support, sponsor, facilitate and coordinate efforts related to organization of meetings, workshops and conferences that are relevant to Slavic NLP;
- Create and maintain a repository of resources relevant to research on NLP in Slavic languages, including proceedings, papers, bibliographies, corpora, free publicly available tools and linguistic resources, formats and annotation standards, etc.
2. Elected Officers
The elected officers of the SIG shall include-
a Chair,
a Vice-Chair,
Resource Managers.
2.1 Chair
The duties of the Chair shall be to:-
have primary executive authority over actions and
activities of the SIG;
prepare a written report on SIGs activities for the
Executive Committee of the ACL, for presentation to the ACL at its
Annual Business Meeting.
2.2 Vice-Chair
The duties of the Vice-Chair shall be to:-
have secondary executive authority over actions and activities of the SIG (in
conjunction with the Chair);
be the primary facilitator of the meetings/workshops organized by the SIG;
present an annual report on the SIG finances to the Executive Committee of the
request the approval of the ACL Executive Committee for any activities jointly
sponsored with any other non-ACL organizations.
2.3 Secretary
The duties of the Secretary shall be to:-
maintain a membership roster of the SIG;
to act as a Liaison Representative, responsible for communication with members
of the SIG and answering inquiries about the SIG;
communicate with the Executive Committee of the ACL;
be responsible for relations to other ACL SIGs;
to call for nominations for elected officers prior to elections;
to run elections and collect/tally votes during elections.
2.4 Resource Managers
The duties of the Resource Managers shall be to:-
create and maintain a web-based content management system (CMS) with the SIG’s
home: hosting official documentation relating to the SIG, the current
Constitution, current officer information, membership information,
statistics, links to sponsored events, etc.;
maintain a repository of shared linguistic resources and links to resources
related to NLP in Slavic languages;
be responsible for carrying out activities related to utilisation of financial
means awarded to the SIG by the ACL;
collect and manage any dues that may be required by the organization;
provide support in the process of preparing annual report on the SIG finances.
2.5 International Advisory Committee
The elected officers will nominate an International Advisory Committee that includes at least one representative associated with each primary language of interest. A primary language of interest is here defined as a Slavic language that is also an official language in any state. For a current list, please see the Appendix. The duties of the International Advisory Committee shall consist of:-
planning and coordinating of SIGSLAV activities;
ratification of the time and venue of meetings, workshops, and conferences.
3. Membership
3.1 Joining
Membership is open to anyone who expresses an interest in NLP in Slavic languages. ACL membership is not required. Membership can be obtained either through provided electronic means or by filling a membership form in conjunction with a SIG meeting. There is no membership fee. Upon joining the new member will be asked to declare her/his primary language of interest. The primary language of interest may be changed at any time; however, a member may be associated with only one primary language of interest at any given time. This information will be used in the Voting procedure (See Clauses 4 and 5).3.2 Termination
Membership will be terminated on explicit request by the member. Membership termination requests are to be submitted electronically to the Secretary.4. Elections
All elected officers of the SIG shall be elected by a vote of the membership. If a vacancy occurs among the officers of the SIG, remaining elected officers may nominate a replacement officer who will serve out up to the remainder of the previous office holder's term.Nominations three months before election
Nominations shall be called at least three (3) months prior to the election, and shall close two (2) months prior to the election. SIG members will be given notice to submit nominations for SIG officers. Candidates must be nominated by two members, must accept nomination, must be in good standing of SIGSLAV.Voting two months before election
Voting shall commence at least two (2) months before the expiration of the current terms of the officers. All members shall be notified of the election date and the nominations at least four (4) weeks prior to the close of voting. Votes may be entered by electronic or physical mail or other designated means. Votes arriving by the notified closing date will be counted. The votes will be counted by the Secretary or another officer appointed by the International Advisory Committee and agreed to by all candidates.Announcement of the results
Any nominee receiving a majority of the votes will be declared elected. The results shall be notified to the members within four (4) weeks immediately after the announcement of the results, and the previous officers will remain active for three (3) months to ease the transition. Notification shall signify dispatch of mail by the medium and to the address last notified to the Secretary.5. Voting Procedure
Voting is decided by majority in two stages:-
Within each sector (official language) majority is tallied across all members
affiliated with the sector.
Across the sectors, majority is tallied, giving one vote per sector.
Clarification on the choice of the Voting Procedure:
In deciding on the Voting Procedure, we considered several options:
one vote per member
one vote per country
one vote per (Slavic) language
one vote per “official” language
Option 1 was deemed problematic due to the skew in the representation of the
various Slavic languages, both in terms of populations and volume of
scientific research.
Option 2 was deemed problematic with respect to numerous researchers in NLP in
Slavic languages, who do not work/live in a country which has an official
Slavic language. We did not feel that all countries (around the world)
have an equal interest in this SIG.
Option 3 was deemed problematic due to the impossibility of defining
“language” vs. dialect; this is a well-known problem in linguistics in
general, and we sought to avoid it.
a clear, strict formal definition. Note, if the official status of a language
changes anywhere, so does the voting landscape;
it allows us to avoid issues irrelevant to science, such as those of
nationality, bi-lingualism, etc. Each member declares her/his own main
language of interest, and contributes votes only to this language;
it avoids problems of skew: each group (i.e., representing an official
language) gets equal recognition and representation.
6. Resource Management
In providing and making available any resources as defined in Clause 1, and especially any held and distributed electronically, the SIG shall follow proper procedures with respect to legal matters such as copyright, registration, and data protection as is appropriate to each case. The SIG shall not enter into any formal or potentially legally binding contracts without the approval of ACL Executive Committee (or the ACL Secretary-Treasurer acting under delegated powers). The SIG shall not enter into any financial commitments for such resources without ensuring that the moneys required are available.Appendix
Current official Slavic languages (in alphabetical order) are:Language | Official in State(s) | |
1. | Belarusian | Belarus |
2. | Bosnian | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
3. | Bulgarian | Bulgaria |
4. | Croatian | Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
5. | Czech | the Czech Republic |
6. | Macedonian | Republic of Macedonia |
7. | Montenegrin | Montenegro |
8. | Polish | Poland |
9. | Russian | Russia, Belarus |
10. | Serbian | Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
11. | Slovak | Slovakia |
12. | Slovene | Slovenia |
13. | Ukrainian | Ukraine |